Folders / Folder Properties

The folder properties window displays a list of properties for a selected folder.

To view or edit the properties of a folder, perform the following:

Click on the folder to display its contents on the right-hand side of your screen. Then click on the "Folder Properties" menu item in the "Tools" menu.


If the folder is visible on the right-hand side of your screen, click on the Action icon and choose the "Properties" menu to expose the "Folder Properties" window.

In the "Folder Properties" window, there are multiple sections to help you manage the properties of the folder.

Sections of the Folder Properties window:

  • General
  • Classification Settings
  • Folder Rules
  • Custom properties


Authorized users may change the name and the description of the folder.

  • Folder name

    An editable field that indicates the name of the folder

  • Folder Id

    An internal system generated folder id

  • Description

    An editable field description field

  • Creation date

    The date on which the folder was created. This is sometimes the creation date of the folder before it was imported into infoRouter.

  • Registered by

    This is the infoRouter user who originally create the folder. This field cannot be changed.

  • Register date

    The date on which the folder was created in infoRouter.

  • Owner

    The current owner (an infoRouter user) of the folder.

Folder properties

Classification Settings

Authorized users may change the classification settings of the folder. For more information about this section please refer to Classifying documents.

Classification Settings

Authorized users may change the folder rules. For more information about this section please refer to Folder Rules.

Custom properties

Authorized users may change or apply new custom properties to folders. For more information about this section please refer to Custom properties.

See also

You may also click on the following links to control other properties of the folder.

Folder Security

Folder Rules

Audit Logs

Folder Ownership