Libraries / Library Members

To add users and user groups to libraries as members perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the infoRouter Control Panel
  2. Click on the Libraries link to display a list of infoRouter libraries.
  3. Select a library from the library list.
  4. Click on the "Members" link located in the left sidebar.

The steps above will launch the "Library Members" window. It is here in this window that you can add members to the library.

Adding users to the library

If you wish to add a user to the library as a member perform the following:

  1. Click on "Add Member (user) link located in the left sidebar.
  2. This will launch a window displaying a list of all global users defined in infoRouter who are not already members of this library.
  3. Select all the users you wish to add to the library from this list and click "Ok"
  4. The selected users will be added to the library as members.

Adding user groups to the library

If you wish to add a user group (global) to the library perform the following:

  1. Click on "Add Member (User Group) link located in the left sidebar.
  2. This will launch a window displaying a list of all global user groups defined in infoRouter who are not already members of this library.
  3. Select all the global user groups you wish to add to the library from this list and click "Ok"
  4. The selected global user groups will be added to the library as members.

Removing users and user groups from the library

If you wish to remove a member (user or user group) from the library perform the following:

  1. Select the user or user group from the "Library members" window.
  2. Click on the "remove member" link located in the left sidebar.


If a global user group is a member of a library, any new users added to the global user group will automatically become a member of the libraries that the global user group is a member of.

See also:

User Groups


Security Considerations:

Library members can be managed by the System Administrator, Library Managers and members of the User Managers and Administrators system user group.